WGO - sorry, but I vote that as the most depressing post ever! Sad that that was the reaction.
I know at least a couple of my family members see this as complete drivel/nonsense.
you must see the musical video at the end of this month program (aprox.
at 1:04:30).... i don't like to use "must" but this is wow... if you think they couldn't get any lower... just be prepared...
WGO - sorry, but I vote that as the most depressing post ever! Sad that that was the reaction.
I know at least a couple of my family members see this as complete drivel/nonsense.
i just started to watch the february broadcast when i noticed a metallic rattle over the drone of sam's voice.
(does that man speak with a mouth full of chowin' tobacco or is he choking on the rubbish he reads off the autocue?).
yep it's his rolex.
Anyone remember a WT cover with what looked like a televangelist decked out in bling?
This was probably in the past ten years, if I remember correctly. Would love to get my hands on that to compare!
check out the song about the trolley at the end of this month's dubcast.. http://www.jw.org/download/?fileformat=mp4&output=html&pub=jwb&issue=201502.
What the h*ll was THAT? I am 35. I was told all thru my youth that Disney and movies that gave human voice or human attributes to animals or inanimate objects was "promoting magic"
Heard the exact same thing my entire life, too WINGCOMMANDER.
an oregon bakery that refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex marriage has lost its appeal..... the judge has ordered 'sweet cakes by melissa' to pay $150 000 damages to rachel and laurel bowman-cryer.. discrimination is illegal, and religious superstition is not an excuse.
how long before jws land in court under similar circumstances?.
read more....
Well that was a pretty expensive cake they never baked!
Shocked that this was in Oregon.
the guy being interviewed while sitting with his wife in the car was the elder that admitted that he lied at my judicial committee which i have on tape.
he tried saying i had said something to him and his wife and i called him a liar right to his face and then he said i didn't really say what i had been accused of.
Interesting story, LL.
I just sent you a PM.
i'm putting my video skills to good use.
enjoy, my fellow bretheren.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuruwnpwpe0.
Outstanding! Made my day!
Thank you CAPPYTAN.
check out the song about the trolley at the end of this month's dubcast.. http://www.jw.org/download/?fileformat=mp4&output=html&pub=jwb&issue=201502.
Showed this to my wife. She says its the second most disturbing thing she's ever seen. Number one was the Zone Meeting.
She also said it reminded her of Disney, which actually makes sense since the whole thing is an absolute fantasy.
A century-old Invisible Kingdom, a singing cart. . . . . what's next? Flying pioneer sisters? Seven Bethelites of short stature who have been reassigned to work territory in the Enchanted Forest?
check out the song about the trolley at the end of this month's dubcast.. http://www.jw.org/download/?fileformat=mp4&output=html&pub=jwb&issue=201502.
So when I first saw this thread, I was at school and on my iPad and the video wouldn't play.
And I'm thinking to myself, "You know, these apostate bastards really like to EXAGGERATE everything, trying to make the 'Society' look bad."
So when I get home, I put this video up on my computer . . . . . ..
Holy f-ING shit!
I expected mild lunacy.
This video exceeded my expectations!
Now did anyone else think this sounds like something out of the B-way show "The Book of Mormon"? I sure did.
Even the vocalist sounds like one of the original B-way players.
Yotube "I Believe". You'll see what I mean.
we're all familiar with the organisations claims (and have seen the flow diagrams in books and mags) that the gb is "directed by god".
in turn, the local elders are "directed by god".
so, how exactly do they suppose this happens?
hello folks.....so in an earlier thread i started, you'd realize that my father and i are quite close, we talk about almost everything/anything.. he traveled outside the country (he's semi-retired), enjoying the fruitage of his hard labor during his younger years.
so he recently returned home after he and mum went away to catchup with some old friends in another country.. upon his returning home, and subsequently to the meetings, he was told that a decision was made to strip him of his "field overseer" role, but will still continue to be an elder.. the reason...he goes away for too long too often...you can't be away from your congregation for three months out of the year!!!???
has anyone else had this experience before?
Sounds like your father is lacking in the True Christian Quality of "VISIBILTY."
In order to be and Elder, not only must you be a high-hour publisher, you must also make sure that people see you doing it -- otherwise you might not even bother. Doing stuff in a manner that everyone sees what you're doing is called "Visibility."
Ironically, the Leader of the Only True Relgion on Earth, Jesus Christ, has been INvisible for over a century now.
I wonder if he'll ever be deleted?